Master and PhD theses

PhD theses

Eleanor Trimby
Trapped ions in an ultracold gas: Buffer gas cooling and chemical reactions

Matteo Mazzanti
Trapped ions in optical tweezers and their applications to quantum computing

Henrik Hirzler
Ultracold physics and cold chemistry in ion-neutral mixtures (2022).

Norman Ewald
Ultracold Rydberg atoms interacting with trapped ions (2021).

Henning Fürst
Trapped ions in a bath of ultracold atoms (2019).

Jannis Joger
Cold Li–Yb+ mixtures in a hybrid trap setup (2018).


Master theses


Nella Diepeveen
Trapped ions in optical tweezers

Bas Gerritsen

Zeger Ackerman
Towards measuring the sound wave spectrum of a trapped-ion crystal manipulated by optical tweezers

Zhenlin Wu
Towards quantum simulation with two-dimensional trapped ion crystals

Katya Fouka
Controlling spin-spin interactions between trapped ions using optical tweezers

Juan Arias Espinoza
Dynamics of many-body Rydberg states in the presence of an ionic impurity

Thomas Secker
Controlled long-range interactions between Rydberg atoms and ions (2016).

Norman Ewald
Quest for an ultracold hybrid atom-ion experiment (2015).

Jannis Joger
Development and characterization of a combined atom-ion micro trap (2013).

Bachelor theses

James Robinson
Electric field driven N-Toffoli gate using trapped ions and tweezers

Lisa Lenstra
Local stress induced by optical tweezers in a trapped ion quantum simulator (2021).

Heleen Mulder

Prospects for simulating chemical Hamiltonians on a 171Yb+ ion quantum computer (2021).

Short projects

Zeger Ackerman
Determining the sound wave spectrum of a trapped ion crystal manipulated by optical tweezers